Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I am really pleased with the advertising!

Ok, something went all right. Nice job done by "Thenumber" who were doing the advertising. They designed the logo according to my request. The waffles had to be shown in a picture because a drawing or sketch can't do justice to the real thing. They have to see it and taste it, than they'll buy one! 
We also have a Sandwich panel with the same images on.
The curling event has been very slow, they are also complaining about the absence of supporters. They are expecting 100.000 people throughout this very popular icy game.
The weather isn't helping neater, cold and rainy. It's only February you know!
All the games have been broadcasted on TV, much easier for the couch-potatoes(zetel-patatten).
I am leaving now for my third day, I skipped Monday and Tuesday. Dana end Chris have been very helpful and supportive! Thank You guys!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Inching closer to start!

Very busy and stressful to get everything ready for the weekend because you know what???

In a couple of minutes I have to leave to Victoria to have the advertising applied to the trailer.
Exciting!!! Once I am baking on the spot I will be relaxed. It's like preparing for an important football game. Days on end you're nervous and stressed until the whistle(fluitje) goes!
Lets hope we can only win from here!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Waffle trailer came home

This could be the one, inspiring !

An other step closer to baking waffles!
What a relief, the trailer came finally home. This week I drove a little over 2 hours to go get it, always a beautiful trip, rain or shine. They had sent me pictures before, where they were working on it but now I could see my creation in the flesh, still naked, bare aluminum.
When I got there, they told me to go take a look at it to give it a final inspection. They did a great job, but when I opened one of the doors, I noticed that there was no wiring going to the tale lights !
Remote, wireless ??? They forgot to do this ... swear (F***) here blame (S***) there and I was there for 3 more hours until this hick-up was fixed. 
 I felt so proud hauling it home.
Yesterday I visited an RV place to arrange the propane and water hook-ups, sent the design guys, responsible for the name, logo and branding stuff, 180 degrees in a different direction. What they came up with last week was too serious and not 'me'. I am looking for an active, playful and warm appearance. With photo realism, images of the real thing, so people can start drooling from miles away. We'll provide napkins though !
It's now official !!! The name will be: "Waffles To Go"

See below,

