Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Waffle trailer came home

This could be the one, inspiring !

An other step closer to baking waffles!
What a relief, the trailer came finally home. This week I drove a little over 2 hours to go get it, always a beautiful trip, rain or shine. They had sent me pictures before, where they were working on it but now I could see my creation in the flesh, still naked, bare aluminum.
When I got there, they told me to go take a look at it to give it a final inspection. They did a great job, but when I opened one of the doors, I noticed that there was no wiring going to the tale lights !
Remote, wireless ??? They forgot to do this ... swear (F***) here blame (S***) there and I was there for 3 more hours until this hick-up was fixed. 
 I felt so proud hauling it home.
Yesterday I visited an RV place to arrange the propane and water hook-ups, sent the design guys, responsible for the name, logo and branding stuff, 180 degrees in a different direction. What they came up with last week was too serious and not 'me'. I am looking for an active, playful and warm appearance. With photo realism, images of the real thing, so people can start drooling from miles away. We'll provide napkins though !
It's now official !!! The name will be: "Waffles To Go"

See below,


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